Someone’s getting old…

Posted by on Oct 15, 2015 in Photography | Comments Off on Someone’s getting old…

Someone’s getting old…

This is my brother. I call him Taco. (It’s a long story.)

Sometimes we take pictures. Sometimes I take pictures without him noticing. Sometimes I take pictures and he notices and hates it so I dramatically turn it black and white with high contrast.

Taco is a musician. He plays a little of a lot of instruments and a lot of a few instruments. He can play guitar, bass, drums, saxophone, harmonica, keyboard/piano, and apparently clarinet sometimes.
He knows more about guitars than anyone I know and is quite passionate about his music and music in general.

My brother is surprisingly prepared and the reason it’s surprising is because he’s more prepared than I am. He knows where he wants to go, what he wants to do, and what it takes to get there. He’s preparing for college and for life beyond that, and it’ll probably be weird to not have him around. (Especially since it’ll mean losing a model.)
Anyway, I’m not worried (for once) because I really think he’ll do fine.

Taco is one of the biggest goobers I know, but he’s still pretty cool.

Also it’s his birthday and now he’s old.
Happy 17th, Taco of Taco. I hope your cake turned out well.