What happened?

Posted by on Feb 27, 2015 in Blog | Comments Off on What happened?

What happened?

I don’t understand.
Guys, I hate how politics are. I really do try to avoid them. Everyone’s always mad at somebody and hardly anyone agrees with anyone else. I avoid them as much as I can as often as I can.

However, today I thought I might throw some of my observations and random thoughts into a….something.

A post showed up in my stream about The President disrespecting yet another person, this time, a military man.

Leaving comments about how disrespectful he is and how he should step down, be thrown out of office, shot, or worse makes you look awful. He’s still our president. Whether by your votes or someone else’s, he is the leader of our country. He’s on his second term and he’ll be out of office next year for better or for worse. He’s doing what he can to get the job done and I don’t think I could do any better than he’s doing. But even if I could, he deserves our respect. Sure, he’s made mistakes. But we all have! Calling him slime, calling him a foreigner, calling him a failure…that helps nothing. It just makes you look bad. So what if it’s true? What good are you doing? Are you actually helping anything by bad mouthing him or leaving nasty comments? He’s human. Just like you. He doesn’t want you to hold his mistakes and shortcomings over his head just like you don’t want yours held over your head.

The reason there’s not world peace yet is partially because we can’t even get along within our nation.
If we could just accept our neighbor for believing what he believes and wanting what he wants and dreaming what he dreams, we could be so much closer! Instead we judge his shoes, his hair, his smell, his lifestyle, his choices, what he eats, who he hangs with, and what time he goes to bed. Why can’t we just get along???
God has called us to LOVE our neighbor as ourselves. Either you hate yourself or you’ve messed up somewhere. I know I’ve messed up and I know I need to improve and I know I’m just as bad off as anyone else, but I’m working on it.

I realize that love comes easier for me than most people which I definitely find weird and slightly awkward. See, it takes the right thing to get me very mad. But even once you’ve angered me, I won’t stay mad for long. If you asked me who I’m currently mad at, I couldn’t give you a single name. I could give you a six mile list of people who drive me up a wall, but can’t we all?
I don’t refuse them love just because they’re annoying. Everyone deserves to be loved. Sometimes the people who irritate you the most need your love more than anyone else. Think about it. If they bother you, what are the chances that they also bother other people? If they bother other people, how many of those people do you think take the time and effort to show the annoying person love and respect?
Barack Obama is our current president. I encourage you to pray for him. As you probably know, he’s currently leading our country. Whether you happen to agree with him or not, whether you believe what he says or not, whether he’s from outer space or your neighborhood, he deserves to be loved and respected.
Just give it a shot? Who knows, you might rub off on some of your friends or even make new ones. 🙂
End notes as always! 😀

So yes, this took a while to finish, but it was hard and weird.
If you’re offended, I’m sorry, truly I am.

If you have nothing to say, thanks at least for taking the time to read all of this!
Have a fantabulous day.
xx becca


(Slightly edited: 7/17/15)