Peel it.

Posted by on Apr 15, 2014 in Blog | Comments Off on Peel it.

Peel it.

My first post on here from a computer!!!!!!!!!!!

So of course, the first thing I do is play with the fonts and all that stuff…

Have I chosen a topic for today? Absolutely not. Don’t be ridiculous.

I probably should…
(Well that was short lived. Bye bye computer…)
Gratitude!!!!! That’s what I’ve been meaning to rant about!!! 😀

So, I’ll start with a story. (I don’t have many stories!! :D)
Once, there was a little boy who went for a walk with his mother. They were walking through town and by the park when a kind young lady walked by with her big brown paper bag of groceries. At the top was a big orange. She pulled it down and presented it to the little boy asking, “Would you like a snack?”
The little boy replied that he would and proceeded to take the orange in his meaty little hands. His mother smiled at the young lady and then looked to her little boy and asked the age old question, “What do you say to the kind lady?”
He looked up into her smiling face and said, “Peel it.” As he shoved the orange into her face.

How often are you the ungrateful little boy?
When are you the generous and kind lady?
Are you ever the mortified mother?

I’ll give you the viewpoints.
As the little boy….

You want. You absolutely must have it. After all, you deserve it. Can’t these pathetic mortals see that?! Stupid humans. Why can’t everyone be almost as intelligent as you? (Not as intelligent because then you’d be ordinary too….)

Gimme that orange, but it had better be ready to put into my mouth. And I am NOT eating rind. Sick mortal….

As the kind lady….
Side #1

Awwww look at the cute kid! Lemme give him an orange!!
Whoops! Surely his mom feels bad, I won’t make it worse. I’m sure she’s working with him…I’ll pray for them.
Happy smile, on her way.
Side #2


As the mother….

O.O did he just say that? Oh my goodness I can only imagine what she’s thinking right now….
So basically, epic mortification. Times 30.
I, personally, see myself in the little boy and the kind lady.

I love working with kids and if they’re fairly good, I’m Side #1. When I’m babysitting trolls, I’m Side #2.
When I’m working with both kinds, I’m Side #3 which is half Uruk-Hai and half marshmallow person of sweetness.

So like….an alicorn with an Orc head.
Time to photoshop…..
Anyway, where do you see yourself?

Time for another story.
This one is from a movie called Pollyanna.
(Revised, shortened, I’m taking no credit. Hopefully Disney won’t hunt me down…)

Crutches? Why were you so glad to get crutches??

Well you see, we were all glad that we didn’t have any need for them!!

See? You can always find some reason to be grateful.
There will always be something bigger, something better, something smaller, something shinier than what you have.
You’ll always want more.
It’s in the human nature.

But you can control it.
You must.
If you don’t control it, it’ll control you.

When you become fully happy with what you have, you’ll need nothing more.
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, there is a mirror called “The Mirror of Erised.”
(That happens to be desire spelled backwards.)
When you look into the mirror, it shows you the deepest desires of your heart.
One of my favorite Dumbledore quotes is simply this:

“The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself standing there, just as he is.”

Be content with what you have. There are millions who would do anything to be in your place.
So many people don’t know that they’re loved. Can you tell them?
I love you.
Be you.
xx Becca


(Slightly edited: 7/11/15)