I sure hope you can figure this out…

Posted by on Apr 13, 2014 in Blog | Comments Off on I sure hope you can figure this out…

I sure hope you can figure this out…

As a highly experienced preacher’s kid, I shall proceed to recap and re-preach my father’s Palm Sunday sermon from earlier.


Okay, in all seriousness, this post is probably maybe hopefully gonna be about Palm Sunday. If I can manage to find a topic that I can ramble on.

Have I spoken about the biological composition of palm branches?
Oh yeah…I did that last week…

Hmmm…..what about the mating patterns of donkeys? Tuesday? Really?!

Okay……God’s love? That was Thursday…..

Maybe…..I’ve got it.

I’m gonna talk about kids.

I believe it was Jesus who said “Let the little children.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but in the Bible, it says that we must have “childlike faith.”

“Jesus loves the little children, all God’s children of the word.”

Just think.

One day, we’ll be the adults.
And one day, our children will be the adults.
And one day, our grandchildren will be the adults.
This world is so temporary, y’all. So temporary.
We’ve gotta be ready. You think this world is crazy now?? Just wait until they let us lunatics be in charge.
Lord protect us… ._.

The geeks shall rule >:)

Before we all go even more insane.
What was the topic?
Oh yeah. The doom of our future generations. Did someone say regenerations?

Oh good sweet fancy……
Future generations. The people who will be young when we’re old.
Lucky ducks.
Anyway, they’re in for a fun trip.
If we ever get the US out of debt, they’ll have a fun trip. (if they can stay out of debt)

I’m so far off topic. I don’t even know. We started with Palm Sunday and now we’re onto the financial situation of the United States. I’d like to see you do that as gracefully as I just did. 😛
Send me a link if you ever do. Seriously. No kidding.


OH YEAH!! Now I remember where I was going!! Our parents should quit worrying about shielding us from the problems in our countries and our world. One day, they’ll be our problems. If we don’t know what’s going on, how are we supposed to fix them? My point exactly.
We’ll have to save the world AND raise the perfect generations of kids. No pressure. AND we’ll have to take over the world with good music. No problem.


So yeah. I have no idea where I was trying to go. I hope I got there.
I remember! Let the little children come to me!!
Google that. There’s your homework. Don’t feel like you have to do it. I can almost guarantee that at least half of you won’t. Slackers. I’m quickly losing faith in the world again. 😉

I’ll leave you with this.

Society stinks. Ignore it.

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My favorite quote from tonight is this: “I love you and there’s nothing you can do about it.”


xx Becca