Compassion/mercy which might relate to my last post…

Posted by on Apr 12, 2014 in Blog | Comments Off on Compassion/mercy which might relate to my last post…

Compassion/mercy which might relate to my last post…

Hey guys.

I’d like to apologize if I offended anyone with my last post. I honestly didn’t mean to. Can I ask for a second chance?

1 Peter 2:24 Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross. He did this so that we would stop living for sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you were healed.


So….here I am… I’m here to talk about compassion. According to the weird little dictionary thing on my phone, compassion is the sympathetic pity and concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others.

I’m not sure if you would call Jesus’s sacrifice compassionate (according to that definition) or merciful. But wait! According to that same dictionary thing (sorry, just callin’ it what it is. We do that in the South. We make it up as we go.) mercy is the same thing as compassion. So Christ was either merciful or just obedient or graceful (as in, full of grace.) or all of the above.

Personally, I believe that He was obediently following God’s instructions to be compassionate and graceful. So all of the above. What do you think?

Let’s get to the application. That’s my favourite part…. 🙂

Hmmm…..mercy. I could go so many places with mercy….
Let’s run.
[Mercy Example Thing #1]

“Merciful heavens!!” or “Mercy me!!”

A fairly famous, ermmm, saying? Am I right? Think about it. It probably started out as someone praising The Lord for being so merciful. Rather than just casually throwing it around as an exclamation. Agreed?

[Mercy Example Thing #2]

Let’s say that I’m in charge of a chocolate factory. (Mmmm….call me Charlie.)
So let’s also say that Engleheimer is putting 4 candies in a box even though I’ve specifically asked him to put 6 candies in each box. Now, if I was in a grumpy mood, or a selfish mood, I might fire him then and there. And not lacking good reason. Aye? I told him his job, we agreed upon the terms, and he failed to complete his task. He could be fired.
However, if I wanted to be merciful, and selfless and generous and kind, I would pull Engleheimer aside (maybe take him to lunch) and have a talk. It might go something like this:
“Hey Eng, I saw that you weren’t quite filling the boxes. What’s up? Can I help?”
“Oh yeah, I’m really sorry! I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I keep _________….”
“Well, buddy, don’t get too upset about it. You’re one of my star workers, I’m gonna give you another chance. You can do this! I know you can. I’m gonna see what I can do to help you remember…..”

And so on and so forth.
Make sense? 🙂

[Mercy Example Thing #3]
(The situations and circumstances in this blog post are entirely fictional. I’m making them up as I type them.)

I was in a wreck on an old country road with an elderly gentleman. We were the only two people around for a good mile or two. I accidentally lost control of my car for a split second and I tapped his bumper. There was a bit of a dent. We both pulled over and I got out and walked up to his car. He rolled down his window and I started apologising profusely. He stopped me when I took a breath. He told me that it wasn’t a big deal and that he wasn’t angry.
He totally had every right to call the police and send me in. But he was *merciful* and forgiving. He brushed it off and asked me to be more careful. He gave me some tips and sent me on my way.

That’s it for the examples.
(I need to practice not ending so abruptly every time….)

Questions? Comments? Criticism? Rotten tomatoes that need to be thrown? Should I hand in my resignation forms? Should I blog longer? Should you send in questions for me to answer? Should you tell me what topic to talk about? Should I ask less questions? Should I press you harder? Should you maybe send more feedback? Should I finish this post up?

That’s it.
(Call me Cap’n Abrupt…)

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Much love!! 🙂

xx becca

(P.s. I’m either really sorry that this one is short or I should do this more often….)


(Slightly edited: 7/11/15)