If modest is hottest, what does that make imodest?

Posted by on Apr 9, 2014 in Blog | Comments Off on If modest is hottest, what does that make imodest?

If modest is hottest, what does that make imodest?

Cooler, obviously.

Okey doke.

So I sent out a–

Howdy, y’all!! 😀

Okay, so anyway, I sent out a little “what on earth should I blog about?”
The popular answer?
“Why do girls wear mini shorts?”
*blink blink* o_o SERIOUSLY?!?!?
*huffy sigh* fine. I’ll see what I can do.
(This is mostly just to humour me. It’s probably only partially true.)

Seriously. Think about it. If modest is hottest, immodest must automatically be cooler.
You disagree? Yeah, I thought so. I can hear you from here. Hush for a bit and I’ll explain.

1: Get society out of your head. It’s stupid, wrong, and inaccurate.

2: Screw your head on straight. Tighter….tighter…tighter…..that’s good.

Okay. So think about it. When you’re being modest, you more than likely (almost definitely) have on more clothes when you’re being immodest.
So you’re warmer.

Therefore, when you’re being immodest, you’ve got on less, and if you’re not hotter, you’re…..COOLER!!!!!!!

*applause button*

Now let’s think and discuss.

That is one of the stupidest misused words I know of.
If someone looks good, how does that make them “hot”??
Hot is a temperature!!!!!!

If something is “cool” then it means that it is lacking heat. It doesn’t mean is excellent!! If you think something is excellent, say excellent!!

Back to short shorts. (See how I got way off track? That’s my specialty. See how I still said what I wanted to and I’m back now? That’s what I do. If you’re gonna read this blog, you’ll want to get used to that.)

Okay, so why are they worn?

Well, I personally don’t wear them. I find them to basically be what I call “denim underpants.”


Kind of.

So here’s why I think some people wear them.

1: “Omg did you see that hot guy?”
My thoughts– Hmmm….nope. I see a guy. He doesn’t seem to be sweating though. I do like sporty guys though, so if you’d point him out, that’d be great.

2: “So cute!!”
My thoughts– Those shorts?! Hold up, are we looking at the same item here? Those don’t even cover your backside!!!!!!! If you want to attract the right kind of guys, please cover up.

3: “Well that’s what the stores sell…”
My thoughts– SHOP SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!!! Am I wearing those? Let me see….nope. That must mean *gasp* I actually try to find something decent to wear!! Other stores have different clothes, I swear!! You can look covered without wearing bed sheets and bubble wrap.

4: “Well the popular thing is…..”
My thoughts– “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

5: “Well society says…….”
My thoughts– Society? Oh, this is me not caring. At all.
Moving on.

6: “Well my boyfriend likes…..”
My thoughts– Wait. You have a boyfriend? And you’re still trying to attract guys?? Uhhhhhh……
I don’t even know what to say to that. Remind me to talk to your boyfriend sometime…

7: “Longer shorts are so much hotter…”
My thoughts– Hang on, those extra 3-6 inches?! You’re gonna sweat to death?! I wear blue jeans in the summer. Yes. Jeans that go to my ankles when it’s 112°F outside. On purpose. Shut up and wear the shorts.

8: “They don’t make cute shorts that are long enough by your standards…”
My thoughts– Hmmm….okay. You’re either saying that I dress like a troll, I don’t like what I wear, or that I don’t actually look at what I wear.
All of which are wrong. (Except maybe the first one. I’m kinda trollish…)

9: “But I might lose friends if I don’t dress like this…”
My thoughts– Fine. Let ’em go. (You started singing, didn’t you? xD)
If they’re really your friends, they’ll accept who you are and what you like. (They might even thank you for covering up your rear end…)
They won’t judge you for wearing what you like and they won’t want to make you feel uncomfortable by pressuring you into wearing what they like. So move on from the people that do!! They don’t really care about you!!

10: “But my parents won’t _____…”
My thoughts– Okay, to be honest, I’m pretty sure if you sit down and talk to your parent(s) about how you really feel about it, I’m pretty sure they’ll probably let you wear longer shorts. If not, all I can say is pray and do your best to cover up.

So that’s that! I hope you enjoyed that….whatever it was about mini-shorts. (The same goes for skirts by the way.)

If you liked it and you know how to subscribe or bookmark or whatever it is that you want to do, whatever. Knock yourself out.

So yeah! Comment, feedback, whatever! 😀

Well, if you’ve made it this far, thank you and congratulations.

I’ll talk to ya later!!

xx becca


(Slightly edited: 7/11/15)